Friendship Lutheran Church of Joy

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About Us

Welcome to Friendship Lutheran Church of Joy!

Worship with us every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School and Bible Study at 10:15 a.m.

Our mission is to JOYFULLY attract and connect people to Christ and His family, empowered by the Spirit to build meaningful ministries in each stage of life, and to provide a loving and caring atmosphere for growth, healing and acceptance!

Our Purpose

Administer the Office of the Keys as stipulated by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Teach and equip believers to be a witness of Christ to all people.

Provide opportunities for practicing fellowship with one another and other believers, who are in altar and pulpit fellowship with the LCMS.

Help each other and other believers to grow in the Word and to encourage one another in prayer.

Provide opportunities and encouragement for believers to serve in Christian love the needs of all people.

Ministries at Friendship Lutheran

Music Program

At Friendship, there are several opportunities to participate in music. We welcome everyone who likes to sing, whether you enjoy contemporary or traditional music. Come and sing with our seasonal choir at Christmas, Easter, and Independence Day services. Also, there are opportunities for soloists, both vocal and instrumental. If you are interested in participating in the music program, contact our music coordinator, Allison Arends, on Sunday mornings at the church.

Music Program
Our History

Our History

Every story has a beginning, and the history of the Friendship Lutheran Church of Joy (FLC) began in 1990 when the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Central Illinois District (CID) decided to start a mission church to reach as many unchurched people as possible in the Champaign-Urbana-Savoy area. The CID purchased land at the corner of Curtis and Duncan Streets for $155,000. The CID called Pastor Mike Mast in August 1990 to be the Pastor of this mission church. He arrived in October. The church was to be called the Friendship Lutheran Church of Joy. Pastor Mast began leading evening Bible studies at St. John Lutheran Church in Champaign and Trinity Lutheran Church in Urbana. When the number of the participants increased, space was secured in the Chancellor Hotel located at the corner of Neil and Kirby Streets in Champaign. Member Jim Carney constructed a large, wooden box, which held two smaller boxes. The hotel found a place to store them, and on Sundays the three boxes were set up to serve as the Altar.